On SUNDAY we headed out to Collin Aunt and Uncle's, Lavone & Oramae, house to spend a few nights. They were about 40 minutes from Nashville in Hendersonville, TN. What a SWEET SWEET couple, who took hosting us very seriously-by seriously, i mean feeding us for a day and a half. It was nice not to eat out to to rest and let someone else cook! The girls (especially Marin) took to Oramae right away. They were known as Grandma Oramae and Grandpa and they still talk about them. Besides feeding us, his uncle took us on a little tour of their town-showed us where the remains of Johnny Cash's house was (burned down a few year ago), where TBN (Gospel network on TV) is filmed, and for the girls- a night out to the park to feed the hundreds of ducks. My sister came down Monday night to spend the day with them and us. They are her family away from home since she was able to stay with them for several months during her internship after college. I think we now all hae a special place in our heart for this sweet couple!

On Monday, my sister and I did a little shopping got pedicures...my SECOND one in my whole 29 years of life. Let me just say the foot rubbing was great, but the massage chairs were even BETTER!
TUESDAY late morning, we left Tennessee (with a few tears) and made our half-trek back home. On the way we stopped at the Arch in St. Louis. Marin and I stayed down, but Collin and Ava took the tour to the top. I decided heights, plus tiny windows, plus pregnancy wasn't a good combo...that, and Marin thinks elevators are scary :o)
WEDNESDAY morning after another night in a hotel in Columbia, MO, some pool time and a huge breakfast, we drove the rest of the way home. It was nice to be home, but a little sad. We'll miss my sister...BUT she's coming down to meet Mr. Malacai in August...so we're counting (probably her more than me) down until then! Another family vacation COMPLETE.