As a mom i sometimes...well, ok...actually struggle ALOT with finding my purpose to be at home all day. The same EVERYDAY things. Laundry, cleaning, disciplining Ava...and on and on it goes. I love Ava, but there are days that i just DON'T want to be a mom! There are days I DON'T want to do the dishes or be a good housewife. It can be discouraging, so its a good thing that God's word is SO encouraging! A couple of weeks ago i found this verse in my devotions. It was one of those 'ah-ha' moments. One of those moments that you feel God is talking to you. I actually don't think i understood the first the first time i read it, but i understand it now:
"For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, in having ministering to the saints"
Hebrews 6:10
What a great reminder that God never forgets what I am doing! He never forgets that taking care of His child, Ava, is ministering right back to Him. I tend to forget that everything we do, we should do to honor Him. So, when i'm not feeling so motherly one day, i need to refocus my attitude and praise God in everything I do. This, of course, is MUCH easier said than done. Why is it that we know what we ought to do, but don't do it? Like this verse I am learning each and every day how to change my attitude and to not focus on the dirty dishes, but focus on the task of doing everything honoring to God, even if i have to be a little bit grumpy doing it ;)