Thursday, December 6, 2012


Today my baby girl is S.E.V.E.N! I can't believe it. Although their are different challenges as she grows older, we love her to death! She is such a good big sister, second mommy to Cai and AWESOME student! I sometimes wonder where she gets her book smarts from! With each year I have realized Ava has SO much compassion in her young heart. Compassion for the sick, friends, family. Her love language is through words of encouragement, hugs and kisses. She is easily frustrated when she can't do something 'perfect' BUT she has such a gentle spirit when it comes to helping others. Happy 7th Birthday Ava! STOP growing!

*in case you didn't notice, Ava received an electric scooter for her birthday (from grandma & us). She had a rough start learning to ride, but after one afternoon of a little mommy/Ava time, she is now a pro!

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