Thursday, July 18, 2013

Feeling Blessed.

I'm feeling so blessed today. No reason...just a good day. God has been showing me a lot of things about myself that have been 'icy' I've been praying. Praying to see all the blessings in my life instead of focusing on the melt downs, messes, dirty diapers. To feel blessed even when I am having a BAD day. Sometimes that's SO hard to do, but as the book I'm studying states...we are all working towards 'imperfect progress'. I'm not perfect...never will be-BUT with Christ there is hope...reason to keep trying to serve HIM through my actions, words, attitudes... This summer i have been attending the 'Unglued' Bible study at church with women of all ages, stages in life, struggles, fears and its been GREAT! I NEEDED this study so bad...just didn't know it. I would encourage you to read it-its been such a blessing in my life and i'm sure any woman will grab something out of it-no matter where you area of struggle is (even my husband has found it helpful!) Speaking of blessings, i think these are pretty great...

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