Monday, October 6, 2014

Pumpkin Patch.

In October Papa's Pumpkin Patch is a must! We love this place. Small, quaint and FREE!
And digging...

record weight of pumpkins this year...

cool crazy pumpkins!...

Cai finally discovered the slide and giggled everytime he went down. And then threw a big fit when he had to be done...

Tractors! He was in heaven...

Our annual family picture (with one unhappy camper. lol) 2014, 2013, 2012

This little boy was more curious about pumpkins and straw then pictures (a boy!)

And there was the fit throwing...going limp, being dragged...thrown over a shoulder. this boy wears us out. lol

...oh and running away and trying to hide...

AND more tractors!

Marin wanted this pumpkin, BUT i told her it would break our piggy banks :)

Another year done! Yay for fall and pumpkin everything!

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